More than 100 partners commit to Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances campaign

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) reveals the official campaign and media partners to join its 2018-19 pan-European occupational safety and health (OSH) campaign — Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances. The support of these partners is key to the campaign’s success and, in return, campaign partners enjoy a wide range of benefits and opportunities.

By joining the campaign, the partners can improve their own practices, benefiting from the campaign’s wealth of good practice materials and the excellent opportunities for networking and sharing experiences.’

EU-OSHA is delighted to welcome the official campaign partners of the 2018-19 Healthy Workplaces campaign. Many previous partners are renewing their commitment to improving OSH in Europe and continue taking advantage of the opportunities that participation brings: greater visibility, privileged access to campaign tools and materials, networking, and the chance to take part in good practice exchange activities. What’s more, we are very pleased to have a significant group of media outlets on board that are eager to help us spread campaign messages and raise awareness through their channels.

Dr Christa Sedlatschek, Director of EU-OSHA, emphasised the importance of the campaign partnership: ‘Our partners are essential to the success of this campaign, as they have the power to influence workers and employers, leading by example. With 38 % of EU enterprises concerned [1], exposure to dangerous substances must be eliminated or effectively managed to ensure the safety and health of workers and the economic success of businesses and society. By joining the campaign, the partners can improve their own practices, benefiting from the campaign’s wealth of good practice materials and the excellent opportunities for networking and sharing experiences.’

Campaign partners get involved in a wide range of activities — from distributing campaign materials and talking to workers personally to contributing to good practice exchange events and collaborating with national focal points. They also take advantage of EU-OSHA’s online tools and resources to manage dangerous substances in their workplaces, for instance:

Campaign partners are busy planning a range of engaging activities for the coming months — from workplace quizzes on dangerous substances to conferences and workshops promoting the messages of the campaign across Europe and beyond.  

With the support of the campaign partners, the EU-OSHA-led Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances campaign sets out to:

  • raise awareness of the continuing relevance of managing dangerous substances
  • provide straightforward guidance on the legislative framework
  • promote risk assessment and a risk prevention culture
  • provide practical tools and examples of good practice to support businesses
  • raise awareness of the risks arising from exposure to carcinogens at work
  • target groups of workers with particular needs and those at higher risk.

See the official campaign partners

See the campaign media partners

Visit the Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances campaign website

[1] According to EU-OSHA’s second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2), 38 % of enterprises reported that chemical or biological substances in the form of liquids, fumes or dust were present in their workplaces (EU-OSHA, 2015).