More important than ever to preserve the JCPOA

We, as the current and future European Union members of the Council, underline that in the current context, it is more important than ever to preserve the JCPOA and resolution 2231.

The JCPOA is widely regarded as fundamental to regional and international peace and security, a major achievement in nuclear non-proliferation and of diplomacy. Fulfillment of all nuclear-related commitments under the NPT as well as the JCPOA remains fundamental to guarantee the peaceful nature of Iranian nuclear program.

As set out in the seventh report of the UN Secretary General, it is essential that these diplomatic efforts and hard-won achievements be preserved and built upon. In this regard, we regret that the United States of America – further to its withdrawal from the Plan on 8 May 2018 – has re-imposed sanctions and further decided not to extend waivers with regard to the trade in oil with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and not to fully renew waivers for nuclear non-proliferation projects in the framework of the Plan. These actions are contrary to the goals set out in the Plan and resolution 2231 (2015).

The EU has been clear that its support for the JCPOA relies on full implementation of the agreement by Iran. We welcome the work of the IAEA to confirm Iranian implementation of its commitments. However, we are extremely concerned about the Iranian announcements regarding its nuclear commitments. We strongly urge Iran to continue to implement its commitments under JCPOA in full and to refrain from escalatory steps. France, Germany and the UK, with support of the EU and other Member States, are finalising the operationalisation of INSTEX – a Special Purpose Vehicle to facilitate legitimate trade with Iran.

Separate from the nuclear issues, we are concerned about the findings of the Secretary General regarding Iran’s regional activities, in particular ballistic missile related activities and transfers, which are inconsistent with UNSCR 2231. We strongly urge Iran to refrain from such activities, which deepen mistrust and increase regional tensions.