More businesses slam SNP over emergency support

24 Apr 2020

Another Scottish business owner has attacked the SNP over a lack of support for small firms during the coronavirus pandemic.

Michael Lumsden, who runs spa business across the country, said there was growing disparity between what the SNP was providing to retailers and what was happening elsewhere in the UK.

The PURE Spa and Beauty director said he’d spoken to numerous businesses in England which had already received their full £25,000 grant to mitigate the impact of Covid-19.

He added that, because funds here were being directed through local authorities, it was taking longer for the support those who needed it most.

In a letter to MSPs, he said: “Unfortunately the changes to the retail, leisure and hospitality grants implemented by the Scottish Government have made the administering of the £25K grants by councils unnecessarily slow. Our businesses cannot afford such unnecessary delays caused by bureaucracy.”

His intervention follows that of coffee chain owner Jon Sharp, who has spoken to scores of small businesses across the country.

He pointed to “loopholes” in the SNP’s support which harmed businesses who don’t qualify for the Small Business Bonus Scheme, and reduced financial help for those with more than one outlet.

Scottish Conservative shadow finance secretary Donald Cameron said:

“It is now beyond doubt that the SNP’s package of support for small businesses falls well short for far too many.

“This is another hardworking business owner whose properties would fare far better if they were based south of the border.

“That’s not an acceptable situation for the Scottish Government to create.

“We know this is a health crisis first and foremost, but the economic disaster is following closely behind.

“These firms need support right now so they can thrive once we come out the other side of this pandemic.”