Monday 18 December: MolenGeek coding school goes European – press point with Vice-President Ansip and Belgian Deputy Prime Minister De Croo

The news:

On Monday 18 DecemberMolenGeek coding school organises a press point to present their plan to scale up in Europe, with a first project in Italy: “The Padua Tech Station by MolenGeek”.

European Commission Vice-President Ansip, in charge of the Digital Single Market, and Belgian Deputy Prime Minister De Croo, responsible for the Digital Agenda, support this initiative and will present action taken at European and Belgian levels to encourage startups to scale up and promote digital skills for all.

The background:

MolenGeek was founded two years ago by five young entrepreneurs. It is led by Julie Foulon and Ibrahim Ouassari. It offers a wide range of activities for young people to be develop digital and entrepreneurship skills. 

MolenGeek receives financing from the Belgian Digital Agenda and private partners. The organisation participates in European projects such as the European Startup Prize for mobilityStartup Europe and activities related to the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition.

More information:

When:  Monday 18 December  – 14:00 to 14:30

Where:  MolenGeek, Place de la Minoterie 10, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

Registration mandatory: Julie Foulon