Mitigating climate change impacts vital for sustainable future, Somali leader urges UN Assembly


22 September 2017 – Noting that countries across the globe – including his own – continue to pay a dear price for acts of terrorism and violent extremism, the Prime Minister of Somalia urged global leaders to “spare no effort” to neutralize the growth and influence of terrorist groups.

“In Somalia, we have made significant strides, which have weakened the capacity of Al-Shabaab,” said Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire.

He added that to ensure the sustainability of such gains his nation is strengthening its military capacity and in that context, urge an ease of the sanctions against Somalia.

In his address, the Prime Minister also urged global leaders at the United Nations General Assembly for committing themselves to make sure that environmental degradation and impacts of climate change are addressed given their direct link to crop failure, vanishing water sources, extreme weather and devastating disasters.

Building a sustainable future, he expressed also depended on advancing the society. In that context, he noted Somalia’s initiatives for gender empowerment and ensuring the respect for human rights of all people, including through the establishment of national human rights institutions, as well as empowerment of youth and strengthening economic institutions.

Concluding his address, Prime Minister Khaire echoed the words of other world leaders, noting the need for reforms at the UN and said that reform efforts instituted by Secretary-General António Guterres would lead the Organization to achieve greater efficiency, dynamism and responsiveness.