Italian Senate committee urges Iran to respect women’s rights, stop crackdown on protesters

Tue, 2022-12-20 19:10

ROME: The Italian Senate’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee unanimously approved on Tuesday a resolution urging Iran to respect women’s rights and stop its crackdown on peaceful protesters.

The resolution was proposed by Sen. Stefania Craxi, speaker of the committee. “My text received full support by all the parties,” she told Arab News.

“This clearly signifies the unanimous condemnation by the Italian Parliament of the barbarism carried out by the regime in Tehran since the killing of Mahsa Amini.”

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UN names three women to probe Iran protests crackdown

Tue, 2022-12-20 18:53

GENEVA: The United Nations on Tuesday named three women to lead a rights investigation into Iran’s violent crackdown on women-led protests that have rocked the Islamic republic for more than three months.
Bangladesh Supreme Court lawyer Sara Hossain, Pakistani law professor Shaheen Sardar Ali and rights activist Viviana Krsticevic from Argentina will be the independent members of the fact-finding mission, UN Human Rights Council head Federico Villegas announced.
Hossain, a long-time human rights activist, will chair the investigation, the council presidency added.

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Celebrities call for release of Oscar-winning actress arrested in Iran

Tue, 2022-12-20 16:16

LONDON: Actors, novelists, directors and other members of the international arts community are demanding the immediate release of Iranian actress Taraneh Alidoosti, The Guardian reported on Tuesday. 

Alidoosti, one of the country’s most famous actresses, was arrested on Saturday on charges of spreading false information about nationwide protests sparked by Mahsa Amini’s death. 

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Berlin steps in to help Athens, Ankara mend ties

Mon, 2022-12-19 23:31

ANKARA: A surprise high-ranking meeting in Brussels between Turkiye, Greece and Germany has raised hopes that strained ties between Athens and Ankara can be improved through the mediation of the EU’s political and economic powerhouse.

Turkish Presidential Spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin, German Chancellery Foreign and Security Policy Adviser Jens Ploetner and Greek Prime Ministry Diplomatic Office Director Anna-Maria Boura met in an effort to strengthen communication channels between Turkiye and Greece, two NATO allies.

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Global cooperation, shared responsibilities key to tackling global refugee, migrant crisis: Egypt

Mon, 2022-12-19 22:55

CAIRO: Global cooperation and the sharing of responsibilities were essential in tackling the global refugee and migrant crisis, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry said.

In a statement on Sunday to mark International Migrants Day, the Egyptian government highlighted its approach to hosting 9 million refugees and migrants.

The annual awareness event aims of highlight the rights and challenges of migrants and their contribution to the communities in which they live.

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