Food security requires international cooperation: Jordanian MP

AMMAN: A Jordanian lawmaker on Thursday called for united international action to tackle food security issues around the world.
MP Mohamed Alaqmeh, chairman of the Jordanian Lower House Agriculture, Water, and Badia Committee, said that “no country could face the impacts of global crises on food security.”
His comments came during a meeting with Elizabeth Milo, the US Department of Agriculture’s regional attache.

UAE, Germany explore advancing industrial collaboration

DUBAI: A UAE delegation met representatives from almost 30 German companies on Tuesday to advance collaboration and build on cooperative efforts to promote sustainable industrial development, decarbonization, and energy security, the Emirates News Agency reported.

Representatives from the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development, the ADNOC Group, Abu Dhabi Investment Office, KEZAD Group, and Dubai Industrial City attended the roundtable discussion at Hannover Messe, one of the world’s largest industrial trade fairs.

Jordan defending Palestinians ‘no matter cost or sacrifice’: Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs

AMMAN: Jordan will defend the Palestinian people and their presence in Jerusalem “no matter the cost or sacrifice,” the Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs chief said on Thursday, Jordan News Agency reported.

Secretary-General Abdullah Kanaan highlighted the need to end the Israeli occupation and restore Palestinians’ legitimate rights to their land and sanctuaries during Ramadan.

Yemeni soldier, child killed in Houthi attacks

AL-MUKALLA: A Yemeni government soldier and a child have reportedly been killed in two separate Houthi attacks.
Early on Wednesday, in the latest strike against government troops around the country, the Iran-backed Houthis launched an assault in the Yafaa region of Lahij province.
In the heavy fighting that followed, at least one Yemeni government soldier died, and several others were injured, before the attackers withdrew.

The struggle to keep Eid traditions alive in northwest Syria

IDLIB: In the city of Idlib in rebel-held northwestern Syria, many are struggling financially to maintain long-held traditions for the upcoming Eid-Al-Fitr holidays.
The Islamic holiday is expected to fall on April 21, but a deteriorating economy means many Syrians cannot afford to take part in traditional customs, such as buying new clothes and an assortment of food items to enjoy.
Abu Udai, a sweets vendor from Deir El-Zour, told Arab News “I am a father and could not provide all of my household’s needs, such as clothing for my children or getting sweets for Eid.