Iran gives ‘detailed answers’ to UN inspectors over 2 sites where manmade uranium particles were found

DUBAI: Iran said on Wednesday it gave new details to the UN about two sites near Tehran that inspectors say bore traces of manmade uranium, part of a wider probe as tensions remain high over the Islamic Republic’s advancing program.

The comments by Mohammad Eslami, the head of Iran’s civilian nuclear program, come as Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers remains in tatters and as Tehran enriches uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels.

Dubai a culinary capital in the making 

DUBAI: French chef Renaud Dutel never thought his career would take him to the UAE’s glam hub of Dubai, but has found there a culinary capital in the making.

Five years since he was offered a spot at a fancy restaurant in the Gulf financial and tourism hub — better known for its skyscrapers than its food scene — Dutel is delighted to have “taken the risk.”

Lebanese Alzheimer’s patient kills wife while she sleeps

BEIRUT: A man shot and killed his wife in the early hours of Wednesday while she slept in Chabtine in the Batroun district of northern Lebanon.
Preliminary investigations revealed that the killer is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
The initial probe found that Georges Noon, 66, used a rifle to shoot his wife, Eline Sassine, 65, around 2 a.m. on Wednesday. He also fired shots in other parts of the house.
Witnesses said he cried beside her, the victim’s body covered in blood.
He told neighbors: “Look what I’ve done. Call the Red Cross.”

Houthis impose gender segregation at Sanaa university college

AL-MUKALLA: The Iran-backed Houthis have implemented gender segregation at Sanaa University’s Mass Communication College as part of a morals campaign in Yemeni regions under the militia’s control.
Male students will now be required to report to the college on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays, while female students must attend on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, according to a decision circulated by the college’s Houthi-backed students’ union.

GCC secretary-general stresses importance of Gulf-Chinese partnership

RIYADH: Jassem Mohamed Albudaiwi, secretary-general of the Gulf Cooperation Council, stressed the importance of strengthening the prospects of strategic partnership relations between the GCC and China.

The statement was made when Albudaiwi received the Chinese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chen Weiqing on Wednesday in Riyadh.