Middle East


Egypt grapples with smuggling of artifacts

Author:  Zaynab Khojji ID:  1581186910286683700 Sat, 2020-02-08 21:34 CAIRO: Last week’s foiling by police of an attempt to smuggle 269 artifacts out of Egypt was just the latest in a series of such incidents. One such attempt that succeeded was … read more

Top Iraqi cleric slams attacks on protesters

Author:  Fri, 2020-02-07 23:13 KARBALA, BAGHDAD: Iraq’s top Shiite cleric on Friday condemned recent deadly attacks on anti-government demonstrators, chastising security forces for not doing more to prevent violence in protest squares across the country. Eight demonstrators were killed this … read more

UN, EU condemn Idlib bombings

Author:  Zaynab Khojji ID:  1581100202560084000 Fri, 2020-02-07 21:28 LONDON: Military operations in northwest Syria have caused “unacceptable” human suffering and “massive waves of civilian displacement and major loss of civilian life,” the UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen told … read more