UN says forced to cut Yemen rations, compounding food crisis

DUBAI: More than four million Yemenis will receive less food assistance as a result of funding shortages, compounding one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, the UN’s food agency warned Friday.
The World Food Programme said “a deeper funding crisis for its Yemen operations from the end of September onward… will force WFP to make difficult decisions about further cuts to our food assistance programs across the country in the coming months.”

UN suspends services in Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon

BEIRUT: A UN agency on Friday suspended services in Lebanon’s largest Palestinian refugee camp in protest at the presence of armed fighters in and around its schools and other facilities.

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East announced the 24-hour suspension of services at Ain El-Hilweh, saying that it “does not tolerate actions that breach the inviolability and neutrality of its installations.”

Fears for displaced as Sudan war spreads in Darfur

WAD MADANI: Fighting between two rival generals has spread to cities in war-ravaged Sudan’s south, witnesses said Friday, raising concerns for hundreds of thousands who have fled violence in the Darfur region.
The vast western region as well as the capital Khartoum have seen some of the worst bloodshed since fighting erupted on April 15 between Sudan’s army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

Out of this world deep in the Algerian desert

DJANET, Algeria: Deep in the Sahara Desert lies the Algerian oasis of Djanet, one of earth’s more stunning locations where visitors may feel they’ve actually been transported to another planet.
Parts of the landscape are more Martian or lunar, with only the blue of the sky giving the game away.
Visitors, local and now foreign as well, come to recharge their batteries and explore Djanet, 2,300 km by road southeast of Algiers.

No plans for foreign naval base, Libyan regime says

TRIPOLI: Libya’s UN-recognized unity government has dismissed accusations it had promised part of Al-Khoms to its ally Turkiye as a naval base after days of protests in the port city.
“What is being said about the state ceding or authorizing the use of the maritime port of Al-Khoms as a foreign naval base is incorrect and without foundation,” government spokesman Mohamed Hamuda said in a dockside visit, accompanied by top naval and port officials.