Membership of Steering Committee on Restored Landfill Revitalisation Funding Scheme announced


     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (May 9) announced the membership of the new term of Steering Committee on Restored Landfill Revitalisation Funding Scheme.
     Mr Bernard Chan has been re-appointed as the Chairman of the Steering Committee, and all 12 members of the last term will continue to serve on the Steering Committee. In addition, four new members have been appointed to the Committee, namely Ms Jane Hui Chun-yu, Mr Leung Man-kit, Ms Sherry Tsai Hiu-wai and Ms Idy Wong Lai-yin. The Steering Committee comprises members from different fields and professions including accounting, finance, architecture, engineering, sports and social services, as well as representatives from District Councils where restored landfills are located. Representatives of relevant bureaux or departments also join the committee as ex-officio members. The new term of service of the Steering Committee lasts for two years until April 30, 2020.
     The full membership list is as follows:
     Mr Bernard Chan
     Professor Choy Kin-kuen
     Mr Kenneth Fok Kai-kong (Representative of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China)
     Dr John Fung Yat-chu
     Ms Fay Ho Kim-fai
     Ms Jane Hui Chun-yu
     Ms Elizabeth Law
     Dr Winnie Law Wai-yi
     Mr Leung Man-kit
     Ms Theresa Ng Choi-yuk  
     Mr Vincent Ng Wing-shun
     Ms Sherry Tsai Hiu-wai
     Ms Idy Wong Lai-yin 
     Mr Nelson Chan Wah-yu (Representative of Kwun Tong District Council)
     Mr Francis Chau Yin-ming (Representative of Sai Kung District Council)
     Mr Leung Fuk-yuen (Representative of Yuen Long District Council)
     Ms Lung Shui-hing (Representative of Tuen Mun District Council)
Representatives from the Government:
     Home Affairs Bureau
     Architectural Services Department
     Environmental Protection Department
     Home Affairs Department
     Leisure and Cultural Services Department
     The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, expressed his gratitude to the Steering Committee for their contributions, and said he hoped that members of the Steering Committee would make use of their experience and expertise to assist the Government in implementing the scheme with a view to selecting suitable revitalisation project proposals that can turn restored landfills to gainful and beneficial uses.
     After detailed consideration of all applications for Batch 1 of the Restored Landfill Revitalisation Funding Scheme in accordance with the established assessment procedures and criteria, the Steering Committee selected last year two non-profit-making organisations, namely Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and the Christian Family Service Centre, to develop detailed proposals to revitalise Tseung Kwan O Stage I Landfill in Sai Kung and Ma Yau Tong Central Landfill in Kwun Tong respectively. The EPD will seek capital works funding approval for each project from the Legislative Council after consulting the relevant District Councils.
     The Steering Committee was set up in 2014 to advise the Government on the operation of the Restored Landfill Revitalisation Funding Scheme and assist in assessing the applications and monitoring the progress of approved projects. To expedite the development of suitable facilities at restored landfills, the Government has earmarked $1 billion to set up the Restored Landfill Revitalisation Funding Scheme to provide funding for non-profit-making organisations and national sports associations to develop recreational facilities or other innovative proposals at seven restored landfills.

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