Mega Arts and Cultural Events Committee convenes first meeting

     The Mega Arts and Cultural Events Committee (Mega ACE Committee) held its first meeting today (February 21) to discuss the application procedure and guidelines for the Mega Arts and Cultural Events Fund (Mega ACE Fund), and contemplate ideas for attracting new signature arts and cultural events of different forms to anchor in Hong Kong. Committee members also discussed the possibility of inviting globally renowned art fairs, art installation exhibitions, large-scale music performances, etc, to come to Hong Kong.

     The Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau launched the Pilot Scheme for the Mega ACE Fund at end-2022, with a view to accepting applications of signature arts and cultural events planned for 2023 while the Mega ACE Committee was being set up. Four applications were assessed and approved under the Pilot Scheme, including Art Basel Hong Kong 2023, Art Central 2023, "Madame Song: Pioneering Art and Fashion in China", and "Masterpieces from the National Gallery, London (working title)".
     The Mega ACE Fund will open for applications in the second quarter of 2023. Details will be announced in due course.
     The Chief Executive announced in the 2022 Policy Address the establishment of the Mega ACE Fund to promote the staging of more international arts and cultural events in Hong Kong. The Mega ACE Committee, comprising leaders and representatives of the relevant sectors, has been established on February 1, 2023, and tasked to advise the Government on the operation of the Mega ACE Fund and issues related to staging large-scale arts and cultural events in Hong Kong.