Meeting with Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China Li Zhanshu

The meeting took place as part of Dmitry Medvedev’s official visit to China.

Excerpts from the transcript:

Dmitry Medvedev’s meeting with Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China Li Zhanshu

Li Zhanshu (via interpreter): Mr Medvedev, I warmly welcome you on behalf of the NPC. You participated in the first China International Import Expo, as well as the 23rd regular meeting of Russian and Chinese heads of government. The day before yesterday in Shanghai, you were received by President Xi Jinping. During the meeting, you exchanged views on a number of current issues in bilateral relations. This is evidence of the high importance that President Xi Jinping attaches to your visit, as well as to the overall development of Chinese-Russian relations.

This morning, you and Premier Li Keqiang had very detailed, substantive talks. This indicates the high level and special character of Chinese-Russian relations. In recent years, under the strategic leadership and thanks to the personal efforts of our leaders, President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin, Chinese-Russian relations have entered a new era. Our interaction is a model for building relationships of friendship, harmony and amity between great powers and neighbours. Together we have made a strong contribution to the creation of a new type of international relations and human community.

The international situation is very complicated and alarming, with worrying trends such as the use of force, hegemony, unilateral actions and protectionism on the rise. At the same time, we believe that the modern world is like a global village, where the interests of different states are closely intertwined. Today, in fact, we live in a community that has a common destiny; this can be figuratively described as “I am with you, you are with me.” We believe that no single country alone can cope with challenges today, and no single country can live on a separate island of self-isolation …

More to be soon…