Media advisory – Video conference of European affairs ministers of 17 November 2020

Indicative programme

10.00 – Video conference of European affairs ministers
– Preparation of the European Council on 10-11 December 2020
– Rule of law dialogue
– Enlargement
– Fight against antisemitism
+/- 15.30
– Multiannual financial framework (public session)
+/- 15.45
– Commission’s work programme for 2021 (public session)
– 2021 European Semester

At the end of the meeting (+/- 16.45) – press conference in live streaming.

Arrangements for the press

Please note that the press conference after the meeting will take place remotely. In order to participate and ask questions, EU accredited journalists should register using this link.  

Those who already registered for the previous video conferences and press briefings of European affairs ministers do not need to do it again.

  • Deadline for the registration: Tuesday 17 November, 15.30

Further instructions will be sent to all registered participants after the respective deadlines.

Photos and videos from the event