Media advisory – Journalist physical presence in Luxembourg (ECCL), June 2021


In light of the gradual relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions both in Belgium and Luxembourg, a limited number of journalists will be allowed to attend physically the following Council meetings taking place at the European Convention Centre Luxembourg (ECCL), in accordance with the physical space available, the capacity of press venues and current social distancing rules:

  • Eurogroup, 17 June 2021  
  • Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 18 June 2021  
  • Foreign Affairs Council, 21 June 2021  
  • General Affairs Council, 22 June 2021  
  • Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 28-29 June 2021 

The following mandatory steps are required, within the respective deadlines:

Access to ECCL cannot be granted if you do not complete the two steps above, by the following deadlines:

  • Wednesday 16/6 for Eurogroup and Ecofin on 17-18/6
  • Friday 18/6 16:00 for Foreign Affairs and General Affairs on 21-22/6
  • Friday 25/6 16:00 for Agriculture and Fisheries on 28-29/6 

Should the number of requests exceed the number of available places to guarantee the respect of social distancing, a selection will be made on a first-come first-served basis using the date/time of the registration form submission. Should this happen, those media representatives that could not be admitted will be informed by e-mail.

To help us grant access to as many media representatives as possible, please inform the press centre immediately should you decide not to attend in person, via mail to [email protected].

Presidency/HRVP press conferences will remain accessible also in video conference (Zoom). Information to connect will be shared though the usual channels: instant messaging (Signal) or e-mail (for new registered users). 

Council Press Centre

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