Media advisory – Informal video conference of foreign affairs and home affairs ministers, 15 March 2021
Indicative programme
Chairs: Josep Borrell , EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
Eduardo Cabrita, Minister of Internal Administration
Doorstep by Minister Cabrita
Doorstep Borrell
14.00 – Video conference of ministers of foreign affairs and home affairs ministers
External dimension of the EU’s migration policy under the New Pact on migration and asylum:
– Mutually beneficial partnerships with key third countries – migration as a core element in bilateral relations
– Enhancing coordination and cooperation among EU actors to best achieve our migration objective
Any other business
Enhancing EU-North Africa countries’ cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs
+/- 17.15 – press conference in live streaming
Arrangements for the press conference
Please note that there will be no physical press conference. EU accredited journalists will be able to ask questions remotely provided they have registered in advance.
You can register and have the possibility to ask questions remotely through this link. Journalists who already registered for previous home affairs or foreign affairs videoconferences do not need to register again.
Deadline for registration: Monday, 15 March 16:15.
Further instructions will be sent to all registered participants approximately half an hour after the deadline.