Indicative programme
Monday 28 June 2021
ECC Luxembourg
Maria do Céu Antunes, Minister for Agriculture
Ricardo Serrão Santos, Minister of the Sea of Portugal
All times are approximate and subject to change
from 08.00
Arrivals (live streaming)
Beginning of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council
Adoption of the agenda
Approval of non-legislative list A items
Approval of legislative list A items (public session)
Common agricultural policy (CAP) reform package for 2023-2027 (public session)
+/- 14.00
Regulation on Fisheries Control (public session)
+/- 14.15
Press conference in live streaming
Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): state of play and fishing opportunities for 2022
+/- 16.00
Any other business:
– Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
– European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) (public session)
– Situation in the North East Atlantic
+/- 17.40
Biological control agents (public session)
+/- 18.10
Setting a protection goal for honey bees (public session)
+/- 19.10
Any other business:
– Food supplements on the EU market (public session)
– Joint action on antimicrobial resistance and healthcare-associated infections (JAMRAI) (public session)
– Fur farming (public session)
+/- at the end of the meeting
Press conference in live streaming
Tuesday 29 June 2021
from 09.00
Arrivals (live streaming)
EU food market situation
+/- 11.30
Any other business:
– 49th conference of EU paying agency directors
– Regional economic accounts for agriculture (REAA) and statistics on agricultural inputs and outputs (public session)
– Fourth African Union and European Union Agriculture Ministerial Conference (public session)
Arrangements for the press conferences
In light of the gradual relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions both in Belgium and Luxembourg, a limited number of journalists will be allowed to attend physically the meeting of Agriculture and Fisheries Council. More info here.
Press conferences will remain accessible also in video conference. In order to participate and ask questions, EU accredited journalists should register using this link.
Those who already registered for previous press briefings or press conferences of Agriculture and Fisheries Council do not need to do it again.
– Deadline for registration: Monday, 28 June 2021, 15.00
Further instructions will be sent to all registered participants shortly after the deadline.
Videos and photos from the event
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