Measures to implement Presidential Executive Order On Special Economic Measures in Connection with Ukraine’s Unfriendly Actions towards Citizens and Legal Entities of the Russian Federation

Special economic measures to be imposed on certain individuals and legal entities of Ukraine include the blocking (freezing) of their bank accounts, uncertificated securities and property in Russia and a ban on the transfer of money (withdrawal of capital) from Russia. The sanctions list includes 322 individuals and 68 legal entities. This Resolution is designed to counter Ukraine’s unfriendly actions towards Russian citizens and legal entities and to encourage the normalisation of bilateral relations.

Submitted by the Finance Ministry in accordance with Presidential Executive Order No. 592, On Special Economic Measures in Connection with Ukraine’s Unfriendly Actions towards Citizens and Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, dated 22 October 2018.

This Resolution is designed to counter Ukraine’s unfriendly actions towards Russian citizens and legal entities, to ensure that the restrictions imposed by Ukraine on Russian citizens and legal entities are lifted and to encourage the normalisation of bilateral relations.

The special economic measures introduced by this Resolution against certain individuals and legal entities of Ukraine include the blocking (freezing) of their bank accounts, uncertificated securities and property in Russia and a ban on the transfer of money (withdrawal of capital) from Russia.

The sanctions list includes 322 individuals and 68 legal entities. The list of Ukrainian individuals and legal entities to be affected by these sanctions includes the judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, deputies of the 8th Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, major businesspeople, officials from the Executive Office of the President of Ukraine, heads of executive authorities of Ukraine and large Ukrainian companies, as well as legal entities that are controlled by major Ukrainian businesspeople.

At the same time, the Government of Russia reserves the right to cancel these special economic measures if Ukraine lifts the restrictions imposed on Russian individuals and legal entities.