Meal Makers in Dundee

Meal Makers is an excellent service provided Food Train.   Food Train is an innovative volunteer led grocery shopping delivery service in Dundee and elsewhere in Scotland which brings vital fresh food to vulnerable older people in need.   You can read more about Food Train in Dundee here.

The Meal Makers service that Food Train also manages is a local neighbourhood food-sharing project that connects people who love cooking, and who are happy to share an extra portion of home cooked food, with an older neighbour who would really appreciate a freshly prepared meal and a friendly chat.

By turning an everyday activity into a volunteering opportunity, Meal Makers strengthens connections within communities and provides a flexible way for people to volunteer their time and skills locally in a way which suits them.

If you know an older person (55+ years) who could benefit from a home cooked meal and some company once a week then please call Meal Makers on 0800 783 7770.    

Further information about Meal Makers is available here.