Manifesto a ‘radical vision for the many, not the few’ – Kez

16 May 2017

Manifesto a ‘radical vision for the many, not the few’ – Kez

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale has today hailed the UK Labour manifesto as a ‘radical vision for the many, not the few.’

Labour’s manifesto was launched by Jeremy Corbyn in Bradford, and includes a raft of commitments that will transform lives across the UK, including:

–          A £10 minimum wage.
–          Public ownership of utilities, including our railways.
–          Fairer taxes on big corporations to invest in public services

You can read Labour's manifesto here.

A Labour government will also pledge to:

–          Oppose an unwanted and unnecessary second independence referendum.
–          Establish a People’s Constitutional Convention that will consider the option of a more federal UK.
–          Abolish the abhorrent rape clause.
–          Safeguard the future of the vital North Sea oil industry.
–          Complete the HS2 high-speed rail line from London through Birmingham to Leeds and Manchester and then into Scotland.
–          Establish a Scottish Investment Bank, with £20 billion of funds available to local projects and Scotland’s small businesses.
–          Urge the Scottish Government to hold an inquiry into the actions of Scottish police during the miners’ strike.

Speaking at the manifesto launch in Bradford, Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said:

“This manifesto is a radical vision for a country that works for the many, not just a privileged few.

“A Labour government will redistribute wealth and power across the UK. Under the Tories, working families are set to be on average over £1,400 a year worse off while those at the top have been given tax breaks worth tens of billions of pounds.

“The SNP has done nothing to stop this austerity – it has simply passed it on with £1.5 billion worth of cuts to local services since 2011.

“A Labour vision for our country is one where the rich and the powerful pay their fair share.

“Labour’s manifesto gives voters a real choice: a fairer Scotland for the many, not the few; or a Scotland caught between the two extremes of Tory and SNP nationalism.

“Scottish Labour believes that together we’re stronger. A vote for Labour on June 8 is a vote to end Tory austerity and tell Nicola Sturgeon that Scotland doesn’t want a divisive second independence referendum.”