Man sentenced for assaulting Tobacco and Alcohol Control Inspector

     A 43-year-old man was sentenced to immediate imprisonment for 14 days by the Fanling Magistrates' Courts today (December 18) for assaulting a Tobacco and Alcohol Control Inspector (TACI) in the exercise of his duties. The man was also fined $1,500 each for a smoking offence and failing to produce a proof of identity when required by a TACI. 

     The incident took place at the Sheung Shui Bus Terminus on June 28, 2019. The man assaulted the TACI when he was being issued a Fixed Penalty Notice by the TACI for a smoking offence. He was subsequently arrested and charged by the Police.

     A spokesman for the Department of Health urged the public to observe smoking ban requirements and co-operate with law enforcement officers.

     "Threatening or using violence on enforcement officers is a serious offence and carries serious legal consequences," the spokesman said.

     As of today, there have been seven cases of assaulting TACIs in 2019. Since 2007, 93 cases have been recorded and 23 out of 78 offenders convicted for assaulting TACIs were sentenced to immediate imprisonment. The maximum penalty meted out by the court was immediate imprisonment for four months.