Man holding charged with murder

     Police today (January 22) laid a holding charge against a 50-year-old man with one count of murder.

     The 50-year-old man surrendered to Wan Chai Police Station yesterday afternoon (January 21). He was in suspected connection with a murder case happened in Tsim Sha Tsui on August 4, 2009 in which a 41-year-old man died.

     At about 4am on August 4, 2009, Police received a report that the 41-year-old man was knocked down by a private car after he got out of his own vehicle parked outside a hotel on Mody Road. Three men who armed with knives then got out of the private car and attacked the 41-year-old man afterwards. Sustaining serious chop wounds, the man was sent to Queen Elizabeth Hospital and was later certified dead.

     The case will be mentioned at Eastern Magistrates' Courts tomorrow (January 23).

     In addition, four male arrestees who were in connection with the case were convicted for murder or manslaughter at the High Court in 2011.