Man caught in Yunnan for cross-border drug trafficking

A man was caught in southwest China’s Yunnan province carrying drugs from Myanmar to China, according to local police Monday.

The man, surnamed Wang, was driving a red car to Mangshi city last Tuesday morning, when border police stopped him and found him very nervous. After a thorough check, they found 17 lumps of methamphetamine in the car boot. They later seized a further ten lumps from the seat.

The methamphetamine weighed 13.45 kilograms in total. Wang told police that a man in Myanmar asked him to carry it to Kunming, capital of Yunnan, and offered to give him 500,000 yuan (about 72,500 U.S. dollars) after the trip.

The investigation is ongoing.

Mangshi is the capital city of the Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, which is near the opium-producing Golden Triangle. Border police in the prefecture seized 1.6 tonnes of narcotics, completed 668 drug-related investigations and arrested 662 suspects in 2016.