Mainland warns any attempts to establish ‘two Chinas’

Any attempts to establish “two Chinas,” “one China, one Taiwan,” or “Taiwan independence” is doomed to fail, a spokesperson from the Chinese mainland said Thursday.

An Fengshan, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made the remarks in response to the name change of a Taiwan organization responsible for handling ties with Japan.

A ceremony was held in Taiwan Wednesday announcing the change of name from the Association of East Asian Relations to Taiwan-Japan Relations Association.

An said the Foreign Ministry has already made its stance clear on this issue.

“I want to stress that any attempts to create disturbances in the international arena or establish ‘two Chinas,’ ‘one China, one Taiwan,’ or ‘Taiwan independence’ will be in vain and doomed to fail,” An said.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying on Wednesday denounced the name change of the Taiwan organization, urging Japan to abide by the one-China policy and not to disturb China-Japan ties.