Mainland expert delegation attends task force of epidemiologists meeting and inspects Hong Kong’s epidemic prevention and control work and learns about epidemiological investigations (with photos)

     The Mainland epidemiological expert delegation that is assisting Hong Kong in tackling the fifth wave of the epidemic today (February 18) continued its visit for the second day. They attended a meeting of the task force of epidemiologists and received an in-depth introduction to the epidemiological investigations and analyses in Hong Kong.
     The task force of epidemiologists led by the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, held a meeting at the Central Government Offices this morning. The task force, including the four Mainland experts; the Permanent Secretary for Food and Health (Health), Mr Thomas Chan; the Director of Health, Dr Ronald Lam; the Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, Dr Tony Ko; and a number of officials, exchanged views on the epidemic situation in Hong Kong and discussed the challenges posed by the fifth wave of the epidemic. Mainland experience in tackling the epidemic was also discussed during the meeting.
     The expert delegation visited the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health in the afternoon. They met and exchanged views with the Controller of the CHP, Dr Edwin Tsui, and a number of epidemiological experts, to get a better grasp of the epidemiological investigations and workflow in Hong Kong, as well as the information system in relation to the epidemiological investigations.
     Professor Chan said, "The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is grateful for the visit of the Mainland epidemiological experts. The meeting today was very thorough and constructive. In the coming few days, we will continue to explore strategies and measures to put the epidemic situation under control based on the initial recommendations suggested by the experts. The Government will continue its aim to achieve 'dynamic zero infection' so as to ensure the effective operation of the public health system and to safeguard citizens' well-being."
     Mainland members of the task force of epidemiologists are experts from Guangdong Province, Guangzhou and Zhongshan. They arrived in Hong Kong on February 17 for a five-day visit.

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