Mainland epidemic prevention and control expert delegation continues visit in HK (with photos)

     The Mainland epidemic prevention and control expert delegation today (November 22) continued its visit in Hong Kong for the third day to local institutions and facilities related to anti-epidemic work, which included quarantine hotel, community testing, healthcare facilities and container terminals, etc, and met with relevant personnel to exchange views and experiences.
     The Mainland expert delegation started the day by visiting a designated quarantine hotel in Wanchai to see its mode of operation and workflow. The delegation also visited the community testing centre at Henry G Leong Yaumatei Community Centre to learn about its operation, service arrangements and specimen collection process. The delegation then visited a private laboratory in Tai Po which is recognised by the Department of Health to learn about its operations, and was briefed on the latest COVID-19 testing capacity in Hong Kong.
     In the afternoon, the expert delegation visited the Kwai Tsing Container Terminals where it was briefed on the workflow of cargo operations and the anti-epidemic measures implemented, including the management and testing arrangement for high-risk and high-exposure frontline terminal staff and sea crew.
     Afterwards, the expert delegation paid a visit to Tin Shui Wai Hospital and Tin Shui Wai (Tin Yip Road) Community Health Centre. The delegation was briefed by the staff of the Hospital Authority on the triage and consultation arrangements in the Accident and Emergency Department of public hospitals, as well as the contingency plans to be adopted in case of community-wide transmission. 
     The Mainland expert delegation is organised by the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (HKMAO) and the National Health Commission. Members include epidemic prevention and control experts from the National Health Commission, the Guangdong Province, Shenzhen and Zhuhai. The HKMAO and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are also represented.

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