Mainland epidemic prevention and control expert delegation concludes visit in HK (with photos)

     The Mainland epidemic prevention and control expert delegation today (November 23) visited local institutions and facilities related to anti-epidemic work, which included pharmacy, private clinic, school and community vaccination centre, etc, on the last day of the visit.

     The delegation started the day by visiting a community pharmacy and a private clinic to understand the regulatory control for retailing medicines, the purchase of fever relief medicines by customers, as well as the triage and consultation arrangement in the clinic. Afterwards, the delegation visited a secondary school to understand class arrangements, vaccination and testing requirements, etc, in Hong Kong under the epidemic. The delegation also inspected the school's anti-epidemic facilities and social distancing measures, etc.

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr John Lee, chaired a working meeting to conclude the visit. Mr Lee expressed deep gratitude to the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (HKMAO) and the National Health Commission (NHC) for organising the delegation to Hong Kong. He also thanked members of the delegation for their hard work in the past few days to have visited different institutions and facilities. During the visit, experts and anti-epidemic frontline staff of both sides interacted and exchanged views, thereby enhancing mutual understanding of the management of the epidemic situation and the control measures.

     Mr Lee said that the visit had created a very positive and constructive effect on the gradual and orderly resumption of quarantine-free travel between the Mainland and Hong Kong. It has helped to move a very important step towards the goal of resuming cross-boundary travel in an orderly manner. With the conclusion of the four-day visit, the second meeting on the anti-epidemic work of the Mainland and Hong Kong will be held in Shenzhen in two days' time (November 25). Mr Lee will lead a delegation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to attend.

     In the afternoon, the delegation visited the Community Vaccination Centre at the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Sports Centre to learn about the progress of COVID-19 vaccination by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.

     During the visit, representatives of the big data office under the NHC, the Innovation and Technology Bureau, and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer also had in-depth exchanges and discussions on the design, operation and information security protection of the "Hong Kong Health Code" system, as well as the preparation work of the interface between the "Hong Kong Health Code" and the "Yuekang Code".

     The Mainland expert delegation is organised by the HKMAO and the NHC. Members include epidemic prevention and control experts from the NHC, the Guangdong Province, Shenzhen and Zhuhai, etc. The HKMAO and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are also represented. Having concluded the four-day visit, the delegation departed Hong Kong in the afternoon.

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