Mainland COVID-19 medical expert delegation continues its visit in Hong Kong

     The Guangdong COVID-19 medical expert delegation that is assisting Hong Kong in tackling the fifth wave of the epidemic, today (February 21) continued its visit. 
     This morning, the expert delegation visited the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH). They discussed and studied COVID-19 serious cases with representatives of the Hospital Authority. The delegation also listened to the presentations by Government Expert Advisor Professor David Hui and medical staff of the PWH on the treatment arrangements of serious cases. The expert team also visited the Intensive Care Unit and Accident & Emergency Department of the hospital to understand relevant operations.

     In the afternoon, the expert delegation went to the Hong Kong Children's Hospital to meet with local paediatric experts to conduct in-depth exchanges on the diagnosis and treatment of children infected with COVID-19.

     The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan said, "During its visit, the expert delegation had in-depth exchange in anti-epidemic experience with health and clinical professionals in Hong Kong, I believe this can help Hong Kong in providing suitable treatment to confirmed patients in a more effective manner."

     The Guangdong COVID-19 medical expert delegation arrived in Hong Kong on February 19 for a five-day visit.