Mainland Chinese medicine expert group of Central Authorities exchanges views with Department of Health and Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong and visits community isolation facility (with photos/video)

     The expert group led by the Leader of the Mainland Chinese medicine expert group of the Central Authorities, Mr Tong Xiaolin, continued its visit in Hong Kong today (March 30).
     In the morning, the expert group visited the Department of Health (DH). They met and exchanged views with the Director of Health, Dr Ronald Lam, relevant DH colleagues, and other public health experts to get a better grasp of the latest epidemic development and situation in Hong Kong, as well as the arrangements of close contacts under the StayHomeSafe Scheme. Dr Lam expressed gratitude to the Central Authorities for again sending expert group to support Hong Kong. He pointed out that the experts brought about professional expertise in fighting against the epidemic through Chinese medicine and provided appropriate guidance on the role of Chinese medicine in the anti-epidemic work in Hong Kong.
     Following the meeting with the representatives of DH, the expert group met with the Chairman of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong (the Council), Mrs Jeanie Hu Leung Tze-Wai; the Chairman of the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board, Dr Wong Yu-yeuk, and other chairmen of the relevant committees. Dr Lam also joined the meeting. Views regarding the current regulation and development of Chinese medicine in Hong Kong were exchanged, with in depth discussion on measures in fighting against the epidemic with Chinese medicine. The expert group also shared the anti-epidemic experiences in the Mainland.
     In the afternoon, the expert group proceeded to the community isolation facility in Hung Shui Kiu, Yuen Long. The Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, and representatives of the Social Welfare Department and the Hospital Authority (HA) were also present. The facility is divided into two parts, with one area used as a general-purpose isolation facility and the other serving as a holding centre for the elderly, with the former managed by the Security Bureau’s Anti-epidemic Task Force. Mr Tang briefed the expert group on the work of facility management, including adopting a small-district and humanised management approach and making special arrangements for ethnic minority persons under isolation such as the special meal arrangements during Ramadan. In addition, every person under isolation will be provided with anti-epidemic supplies including anti-epidemic proprietary Chinese medicines, and the HA also specially set up a free "Chinese medicine advice service" hotline, with registered Chinese medicine practitioners answering questions from persons under isolation relating to the use of Chinese medicine, which give full play to the important role of Chinese medicine in the treatment of COVID-19.
     Led by Mr Tong, the exert group arrived in Hong Kong on March 29 to conduct visits.

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