Low blood stocks prompt call for blood donations ahead of Chinese New Year (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The increase in demand for blood transfusions since the commencement of the winter surge has caused blood stocks to run low in public hospitals. The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) appeals to the public today (January 16) to donate blood for patients in need before the Chinese New Year holidays.
     As a token of thanks, all those providing successful blood donations (till January 24) will receive a 'Red Packet Pouch Set' while stocks last. The set contains eight red packets and two red packet pouches.
     Most BTS donor centres are open during the Chinese New Year holidays, except on January 25. A 'CNY Goodies Bag' will be given to every donor who gives blood during January 26-28 while stocks last. For details, please refer to the annex, or visit www.ha.org.hk/rcbts, or check the mobile app 'HK Blood' for more details.
     Please donate blood now.
     Download 'HK Blood' to locate the nearest donor centre and make an appointment for donation:

Photo  Photo