Louise Haigh comments on Barnier’s warning that Britain will have to leave Europol & new analysis on the European Arrest Warrant


As the EU’s chief negotiator warns Britain over law enforcement and security cooperation, new analysis reveals 10,000 deported thanks to European Arrest Warrant

As Michel Barnier warns Britain that it will have to leave Europol, new analysis by Labour underlines the extent of the UK’s cooperation with the EU on law enforcement.

  • The UK has deported over 10,000 suspected criminals under the European Arrest Warrant (EAW)
  • 1,455 suspects have been returned to Britain to face justice.
  • 2016-17 was the seventh consecutive year in which the UK deported over 1,000 suspects.

Louise Haigh MP, Labour’s Shadow Policing Minister, said:

“Close cooperation with our European neighbours is vital in taking dangerous criminals off our streets and ensuring offenders cannot evade justice simply by crossing a border.

“So for Britain to leave Europol or end other cooperation arrangements it would be a huge blow, threatening our national security and risking critical information falling between the gaps.

“And yet the Tories’ inflexible approach risks us being turfed out of the security apparatus we helped create and which has contributed to our safety and security for many years.  

“It is absolutely imperative to our future security that Britain remains an integral part of these vital arrangements. The Prime Minister needs to start putting the best interests of the country ahead of those in her party who would be happy to see us crash out of Europe without a deal on security.”

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