Lord Coe must immediately come back to the Select Committee and clarify his evidence in light of this new information – Allin-Khan

Commenting on the release of emails concerning Lord Coe’s alleged knowledge of specific allegations connected to the Russian doping scandal, Rosena Allin-Khan MP, Labour’s Shadow Sports Minister said:

“These are very troubling allegations.  The release of these emails by the Select Committee cast serious doubts over the evidence previously given by Lord Coe to the inquiry.

“World Athletics is going through one of the most serious doping scandals in its history and requires the strongest possible leadership.  Lord Coe must immediately come back to the Select Committee and clarify his evidence in light of this new information.

“He must be honest about which allegations he knew of and when he found out about them. The IAAF and BOA need transparency and honesty throughout their organisations now more than ever, and that has to start at the very top.”