London ETO hosts summer networking reception in London (with photos)


     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London (London ETO) hosted a summer networking reception in London, United Kingdom (UK), on June 27 (London time), greeting about 200 guests which included UK government officials, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, mayors and deputy mayors from some London Boroughs, leading figures in the business sector, academics, media representatives and members of the Chinese community. 

     Speaking at the reception, the Director-General of the London ETO, Mr Gilford Law, provided an update on the latest development of Hong Kong. He highlighted the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's commitment to compete for enterprises and compete for talents, including expanding the coverage of professions in the Talent List for various immigration scheme in May. "The Top Talent Pass Scheme and various enhanced talent schemes were introduced about half a year ago, with 84 000 applications received by the end of May, among which some 49 000 applications had been approved. This is a solid proof of Hong Kong's attractiveness for global talents," he said.

     Mr Law concluded on a positive note, "With the dual advantages of 'one country' and 'two systems', Hong Kong has an integral role to play in the development blueprint laid out in the National 14th Five-Year Plan and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. We are confident that Hong Kong provides a favourable environment for businesses to thrive and tap into the Mainland and Asia-Pacific markets." 

     The reception also featured a string quartet performance by members from the Ponte London Orchestra, with a variety of classical and contemporary pieces played throughout the evening. 

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