Lockdown must be maintained until spread of virus can be contained, says Green Party co-leader Sian Berry

27 April 2020

Responding to the Prime Minister’s statement today that it is not yet time to lift the lockdown, Green Party co-leader Sian Berry said:

“With so many people losing loved ones, no-one can call the Government’s policies so far a success, and now is not the time to be taking further risks with people’s lives.

“Until we can get the infection rate down to a point where an effective containment policy is possible, lockdown must be maintained.

“Open and transparent data from the Government needs close monitoring and cross-party debate. And until policy is in line with the World Health Organisation’s guidelines on tracing and tracking, we must not see any reduction in social distancing measures. [1]

“It is critical that all of us in our daily lives continue to understand and stick with the lockdown policies and measures needed, and this is another reason why the Government must be transparent with its data and open about the debate on next steps.” 





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