List of environmental impact assessments in first quarter 2019 released

     The Environmental Protection Department today (April 17) released a list of completed and newly commenced statutory environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and non-statutory environmental studies for major development projects between January 1 and March 31, 2019.
     Updated information related to the EIA Ordinance is available on the EIA Ordinance website at
     Completed statutory EIAs and non-statutory environmental studies in the first quarter of 2019 include:
A. Statutory EIAs:
B. Non-statutory Environmental Studies:
Newly commenced statutory EIAs and non-statutory environmental studies include:
A. Statutory EIAs:
1. Yuen Long South Effluent Polishing Plant (EIA Study Brief no. ESB-313/2019)
(Drainage Services Department)
2. Hung Shui Kiu Effluent Polishing Plant (EIA Study Brief no. ESB-312/2019)
(Drainage Services Department)

3. A Rooftop Helipad at New Acute Hospital at Kai Tak Development Area (EIA Study Brief no. ESB-311/2019)
(Hospital Authority)
B. Non-statutory Environmental Studies: