Liberal Democrats

Tackling Persistent Absence

The number of children persistently absent from school has doubled, with around one in five young people now missing 10% or more of their lessons. And rates of persistent absence are even higher among disadvantaged backgrounds, children with...Read More »

Are you drinking what we’re drinking?

Untreated sewage is pouring into UK waters more than 1,000 times a day. Between 2020 and 2022, England’s water companies used storm overflows over a million times, totalling a shocking 7.5 million hours. Millions of litres of water...Read More »

Share Buyback Tax Scheme - why we are doing it and how it would work

George Dibb post on X

Some of the biggest and most profitable companies in the world are listed on the London Stock Exchange, every year they spend tens of billions of pounds doing nothing more than buying back their own shares.

Rather than reward...Read More »

Standing Tall: Liberal Values in a Dangerous World

In a world fraught with uncertainty and conflict, with war raging on our continent, the UK needs to take decisive action to uphold peace, security, and democratic principles throughout the world.

Yet, under the current Conservative Government, our once-strong...Read More »

Boosting Cancer Survival

One in two of us will get cancer in our lifetime and nearly every family has a cancer story: dealing with diagnosis, struggling through treatment, supporting loved ones, losing a loved one, fearing that cancer may come back. ...Read More »

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