Liberal Democrats

10 years celebrating love

Ten years ago today, the UK’s first same-sex marriages took place.

As we celebrate ten years of recognising love as equal in all its forms, this is a proud moment for our country.

But it is also a proud moment...Read More »

The Funding Crisis in Local Government

Roads riddled with dangerous potholes, bus routes disappearing, breakfast clubs vanishing, youth services gone, the elderly are left without the care they deserve, bin collections less and less frequent. This isn’t some distant dystopia; it’s the reality faced...Read More »

Beyond Rwanda: A Fairer Way Forward on Asylum

In the ongoing saga of the Conservative Government’s Rwanda asylum scheme, the truth is clear: it’s destined to fail. 

This policy is immoral, unworkable and extortionately expensive for the taxpayer. And it betrays our country’s proud tradition of offering...Read More »

The Death of Alexei Navalny

The death of Alexei Navalny on 16 February 2024. at the hands of Vladimir Putin is a shocking and harrowing tragedy. Navalny’s widow, Yulia Navalnaya, has said that Navalny was ‘tortured, starved, cut off and killed by Putin’.

Putin’s...Read More »

40 New Hospitals - The Government’s Broken Promise

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