Liberal Democrats

Our plan to recruit 8,000 more GPs

Ed Davey has his blood pressure checked

Last year there were 61 million GP appointments delayed for over two weeks or more. 

The Conservative government has failed our NHS and patients are paying the price.

The Liberal Democrats have a five-year plan to give patients a legal...Read More »

Say You're With Us

The Liberal Democrats are fighting for real change this election. 

Under the Conservatives, people are struggling more than ever before.

Vote Liberal Democrat on 4th July to get the Conservatives out and elect a local champion who will fight for a...Read More »

£9bn mortgage bombshell this year with commuter belt areas hardest hit

Families who remortgaged in 2023 are facing a mortgage bombshell of almost £9bn this year. Commuter belt areas in the Blue Wall are the hardest hit, new analysis commissioned by the Liberal Democrats has revealed.

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It's Time

Time to elect fantastic Liberal Democrat MPs to champion their communities.

Time to change the system and give people real hope.

Time to smash the blue wall and kick out the Conservatives.

Time to deliver the fair deal the British people...Read More »

NHS waiting lists grow by 330,000 since Sunak pledged to cut them

Waiting lists have gone up by 330,000 since Rishi Sunak pledged to cut them in January last year.

NHS targets missed include:

  • NHS waiting lists: NHS waiting lists stood at 7.54 million outstanding treatments in February 2024, up from 7.21 million...Read More »

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