Liberal Democrats

Connecting communities

Affordable, reliable bus, tram and rail services connect communities, but for too long the Conservatives have allowed services to decline.

Almost a quarter of bus routes have been cut in the last ten years outside London, while fares have...Read More »

Alex Cole-Hamilton Keynote Speech

In his first speech to Federal Conference since becoming Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, Alex hailed the liberal revival in Scotland.

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Protecting our Neighbourhoods

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their own homes and walking down their own streets. For too many people in the UK, however, that is simply not the reality today. 

Under this Conservative Government, police resources have not been...Read More »

Daisy Cooper Keynote Speech

Daisy Cooper addresses Autumn Conference, issuing a rallying call to party activists to take on the Conservatives in the Blue Wall and deliver a brighter future.

Daisy said: 

“We have a huge opportunity. Right across the Blue Wall...Read More »

For a Fair Deal

Ed Davey and Pippa Heylings visit a factory

In very tough times, the British people have shown remarkable decency and strength. Everywhere I go across our great United Kingdom, I see people from all backgrounds and all walks of life, working hard, raising families, helping others...Read More »

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