Lesley Griffiths announces consultation into banning third party sales of puppies

Speaking at the RSPCA Cymru Gala Dinner at the Pierhead on Monday night (5 November), Lesley Griffiths said the Welsh Government was committed to improving welfare standards for puppies.

The consultation will look to gather evidence on what stage the government should intervene in large scale breeding premises and address concerns about animal welfare.

It comes after the Cabinet Secretary vowed to look into banning the third party sales of puppies earlier this year.

Lesley Griffiths said: 

“Wales has led the way in animal welfare legislation and we’re determined to keep raising standards of responsible animal ownership. 

“I know there are growing concerns about the welfare standards at some large scale breeding premises and I have asked my officials to investigate how a ban on third party sales could address these concerns.  

“Information on the supply chain of puppies is of particular significance in this process. At what point in this chain will Government intervention have the biggest impact? The beginning or the end? Or both? It is absolutely essential we address the root cause of any welfare concerns in changes to legislation and I will launch a consultation early in the New Year.”