Lesley Griffiths announces £1m to progress plans to protect East Rhyl homes


The money will be used for design work for their coast protection scheme.

Construction work is anticipated to begin from September 2019 and will include a new rock revetment and raised parapet wall complementing the recently completed flood storage area and works around Rhyl Golf Course.

The Cabinet Secretary said:

“Over recent years we have demonstrated an excellent record of investment of funding flood risk management work. Reducing risks to the residents of East Rhyl is a priority we share with the Council.  We know these defences need strengthening for the long term and I am pleased to see this project move on to its detailed design phase.

“We are working with coastal local authorities towards a £150 million investment to reduce the risks we face from sea-level rise and climate change.  This complements a further £144 million investment in flood risk management over the lifetime of this Government.”

Councillor Brian Jones, Cabinet Lead Member with responsibility for the environment at Denbighshire County Council, added:

“We very much welcome this funding from Welsh Government as it will greatly assist us to achieve our priority of improving flood and coastal defences in this part of the county.

“The local community in east Rhyl has experienced recent flooding and has called on the Council and its partners to look at what can be done to try and minimise the risk of such incidents happening again.

“We have already carried out work in the Garford Road area to improve defences – this latest scheme will hopefully provide reassurance to the local community that we are committed to working towards protecting the safety of residents”

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