Leonard must call out Thornberry

30 Nov 2018

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Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard has been challenged to oppose plans for a Labour-SNP pact as set out by shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry yesterday.

On ITV yesterday evening, Mrs Thornberry talked up the potential of Labour forming a minority government with the support of the Scottish National Party in order to get its own Brexit deal through parliament.

Ahead of the meaningful vote on Theresa May’s Brexit deal in the House of Commons on 11 December, she was asked whether Labour would go into a minority government with SNP support.

“Anything, frankly at this moment is possible”, Mrs Thornberry said.

John Lamont, Scottish Conservative MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh & Selkirk said today:

“Emily Thornberry has shown, once again, that you can’t trust Labour to defend Scotland’s decision to stay in the UK.

“It’s clear that Corbyn’s Labour are ready to act as Nicola Sturgeon’s little helpers. They would agree to a second referendum on independence in a heartbeat in order to get into power.

“You’d expect Scottish Labour to be demanding a retraction from Mrs Thornberry. Yet once again, Richard Leonard has simply gone into hiding.

“He needs to come clean: does he also want to hand Nicola Sturgeon the keys to Number Ten? Is that a price he believes is worth paying to get Mr Corbyn into government?

“Mr Leonard’s Scottish Labour branch office appears to have zero influence over Mr Corbyn. It’s time he showed up for once”