“Legends of Lion Dance” exhibition showcases traditional Hong Kong crafts and cultural heritage in Belgium (with photos)


     The colourful "Legends of Lion Dance" exhibition has returned to Belgium this year. It is being held in the port city of Antwerp, Belgium, from January 11 till February 2 (Antwerp time) to showcase Hong Kong's cultural heritage and traditional crafts and celebrate the Chinese New Year.
     With the support of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels (HKETO, Brussels) and the Belgium-Hong Kong Society, Asian Events Tofoe, a non-profit-making organisation established by Hong Kong second-generation community members in Antwerp, is presenting around 15 unique embroidered lion heads made in Hong Kong.
     Visitors can learn about how lion heads are made, the meaning of lion dancing and Chinese New Year traditions. Live lion dances are included in the programme, and guided tours, in particular for schools, are provided. The event also ties in with Antwerp's Chinese New Year Parade to be held in the afternoon on January 25.  
     The Deputy Representative of HKETO, Brussels, Miss Fiona Chau, officiated at the opening ceremony on January 10, which featured an expertly performed lion dance and was attended by around 150 guests. 

     Speaking at the opening ceremony, Miss Chau said that there are 480 items of intangible cultural heritage in Hong Kong's inventory, ranging from social practices, rituals and festivals to traditional crafts and foods. "Hong Kong is a modern and multicultural city, and we cherish and strive to safeguard our unique Chinese cultural heritage. A dedicated funding scheme has been set up by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government for strengthening the preservation of intangible cultural heritage, to revitalise Chinese traditional culture by engaging audiences beyond the small enclave of specialists, and ensuring that our heritage will continue to be passed down from generation to generation," she said.
     "We believe that arts and culture transcend all boundaries and differences, and co-operation and mutual support will always prevail in strengthening people-to-people bonds and building inclusive societies," she added.
     The first "Legends of Lion Dance" exhibition was held in Antwerp in 2017. Antwerp has the biggest community of Hong Kong emigrants in Belgium and the event is also an opportunity for the second generation of Hong Kong emigrants to learn more about traditional Chinese culture and to strengthen their bonds with their family's city of origin. These second-generation talents are welcome to return to study, live and work in Hong Kong.
     The "Legends of Lion Dance" exhibition is being held until February 2 at Antwerp's main public library, the Bibliotheek Permeke, at 26 De Coninckplein. The exhibition is open seven days a week and entry is free of charge.

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