LegCo to debate motion on “Mending the social rift and fostering social cohesion”


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) will hold a meeting on Wednesday (September 8) at 11.30am (or immediately after the Chief Executive's Question Time to be held at 11am) in the Chamber of the LegCo Complex. During the meeting, Members will debate a motion on "Mending the social rift and fostering social cohesion". The motion, moved by Dr Priscilla Leung, is set out in Appendix 1.

     Meanwhile, Dr Chiang Lai-wan and Mr Frankie Yick will move two separate proposed resolutions under section 34(4) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance to extend the period for amending subsidiary legislation. The proposed resolutions are set out in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 respectively.

     During the meeting, Members will also ask the Government 22 questions on various policy areas, six of which require oral replies.

     The agenda of the above meeting can be obtained via the LegCo Website (www.legco.gov.hk). Members of the public can watch or listen to the meeting via the Webcast system on the LegCo Website. To observe the proceedings of the meeting at the LegCo Complex, members of the public may call 3919 3399 during office hours to reserve seats.

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