LegCo Subcommittee visits Wang Chau (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:
     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Subcommittee to Follow Up the Issues Related to the Wang Chau Development Project conducted a site visit to Wang Chau in Yuen Long today (June 19) to understand the latest development of the Wang Chau development project.
     With the company of representatives of the Civil Engineering and Development Department, the Home Affairs Department, the Housing Department and the Lands Department (LandsD), Members visited Wang Chau Phase 1 development area, which covers an area of about 5.6 hectares. It is expected to provide around 4 000 public housing units.

     During the visit, Members were briefed by government representatives on the latest development of the project. They also exchanged views with the affected residents to learn more about their needs. LandsD had conducted a pre-clearance freezing survey in the areas involved in the development concerned on October 30, 2015. A total of about 180 households, involving about 400 clearees, were registered in the survey. As at end-May 2018, LandsD has met with 169 registered households to explain to them the relevant rehousing and ex-gratia allowance arrangements.

     Members who participated in the visit were the Chairman of the Subcommittee, Ms Alice Mak; Subcommittee Members Ir Dr Lo Wai-kwok, Mr Andrew Wan, Mr Chu Hoi-dick and Mr Kwong Chun-yu.

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