LegCo Secretariat 2018 internship programme concluded (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The 2018 internship programme organised by the Legislative Council (LegCo) Secretariat for local tertiary students concluded today (July 6).

     A total of 23 students participated in this year's programme. The Secretary General of the Secretariat, Mr Kenneth Chen, presented the certificate of participation to the students in the closing ceremony. Mr Chen said, "The internship programme provides students with an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the work of LegCo. I hope they can learn from the professionalism demonstrated by the Secretariat staff and leave with fond memories. Meanwhile, the Secretariat will continue to strive for excellence and offer a more rewarding internship experience to tertiary students next year."

     Student representatives also shared their experiences gained. One of the students said, "Through the interactions with Members, I could appreciate the manner of 'harmony in diversity' among Members. They may have heated debates, but always make voting decisions for the best interest of society."

     Meanwhile, eight Legislative Council Members who participated in the "Meeting with Members" sessions of the internship programme also attended the reception of the closing ceremony to exchange views with the students and to know more about the inspirations students have gained from the internship. Members who attended the reception included Mr Wu Chi-wai, Mr Chan Chi-chuen, Mr Kenneth Leung, Mr Ip Kin-yuen, Dr Elizabeth Quat, Mr Alvin Yeung, Mr Lam Cheuk-ting and Mr Tony Tse. 

     During the six-week internship programme, which started from May 28, students were attached to various divisions of the Secretariat and they were arranged to meet with the President, 17 Members, and heads of divisions of the Secretariat. Furthermore, students gained understanding of the work of LegCo through observing meetings of LegCo and its committees, the Chief Executive's Question Time, as well as participating in a training workshop introducing the work of LegCo and a role-play on law-making process.

     First launched by the Secretariat in 2013, the internship programme is held annually during the summer vacation of students.

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