LegCo Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting visits Radio Television Hong Kong (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:
     The Legislative Council Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting visited Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) today (June 16) to enhance Members' understanding of the work of the public service broadcaster.
     Members first received a briefing from the Director of Broadcasting, Mr Eddie Cheung, on RTHK's efforts on promoting national security, national identity, better understanding of the country's history, culture and latest developments, as well as government policies. Members learnt that RTHK has been producing various programmes on the Constitution, the Basic Law, national security education and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, etc, to deepen the public's understanding of the country and the implementation of "one country, two systems".
     Members then toured various facilities at Broadcasting House, including radio production studios equipped to broadcast on TV, transportable studios, central control room and music library. They observed video news production facilities when they visited the Chinese and English newsrooms. Members also observed the offices of Radio 3 and Radio 4, which produce English programmes.
     Members next toured Television House and visited TV master control rooms, editing rooms, film and video tape library as well TV studios with virtual set, etc.
     During the visit, Members also exchanged views with representatives of RTHK on ways to better promote and tell good stories of the country and Hong Kong through the broadcaster, make use of technology to enhance the efficiency of producing programmes and nurture young programme production talents.
     Members who joined the visit were the Chairman of the Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting, Dr Junius Ho, and Panel members Ms Elizabeth Quat, Mr Shiu Ka-fai, Ms Yung Hoi-yan, Mr Lam Chun-sing and Mr Tang Fei; as well as non-Panel members Mr Benson Luk and Dr Ngan Man-yu.

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