LegCo Panel on Home Affairs visits Hong Kong Heritage Museum (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Home Affairs visited the "Digital Dunhuang – Tales of Heaven and Earth" Exhibition (the Exhibition) in the Hong Kong Heritage Museum today (October 2) to learn about the features of relevant exhibits as well as the Government's work progress in the programming and audience building of public museums.

     At the invitation of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and accompanied by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Lau Kwong-wah, and the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ms Michelle Li, Members participated in a guided tour to the Exhibition and received a briefing from the Curator (History) of the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Mr Brian Lam, on the preparation of the Exhibition and the features of exhibits. The Exhibition showcases over 100 exhibits and features with interactive multimedia installations to reproduce the murals and stucco statues in the caves in Dunhuang. Members also experienced in person a tour of the virtual caves with virtual reality and image fusion technologies.

     During the visit, Members learnt more about the collaborations between LCSD and the Dunhuang Academy in training of professionals in the areas of curating, publicity and heritage conservation. Meanwhile, Members took the opportunity to further discuss with the Government officials about the work progress of expansion or renovation in other public museums, as well as the effectiveness of different initiatives launched by the Government on audience building.

     At the meeting of Panel on Home Affairs on December 21, 2017, members discussed the Government's future plan to enhance the programming, audience building and collection management of public museums managed by LCSD. The agenda and discussion papers of the meeting are available at the following webpage: www.legco.gov.hk/yr17-18/english/panels/ha/agenda/ha20171221.htm.

     Members participating in the visit included the Chairman of the Panel, Mr Ma Fung-kwok; Panel Deputy Chairman, Ms Yung Hoi-yan; and Panel members Mr Yiu Si-wing, Mr Ip Kin-yuen, Mr Shiu Ka-chun, Mr Lau Kwok-fan, Mr Kenneth Lau and Mr Tony Tse.

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