LegCo Panel on Development continues study visit to Shanghai (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: 

     The delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Development continued its study visit to Shanghai today (December 20).

     In the morning, the delegation first visited the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (Housing and Development Commission) and exchanged views with the representatives of the Housing and Development Commission on various matters such as urban planning and management, preservation/renovation/demolition policies and disaster and flood emergency management.

     In the afternoon, the delegation visited Lin-gang Special Area, located in the southern part of Shanghai Municipality. Members learned that Lin-gang New City is one of Shanghai's five "new cities" and plays a significant status and role in Shanghai's new round of development. It is also an important sub-city supporting the future city centre of Shanghai.

     Members received a briefing by the representatives of the Lin-gang Special Area Administration (LSAA) on urban planning and management, as well as the application of information management system. Members also exchanged views with the LSAA on new areas development and promoting digital territory management. Furthermore, Members experienced autonomous driving of public transport vehicles in the Lin-gang Special Area.

     The delegation will continue its study visit to Shanghai tomorrow (December 21) before departing for Hong Kong in the afternoon.

Photo  Photo  Photo  

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