LegCo Members meet with Consuls-General and Honorary Consuls in Hong Kong (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     A luncheon between the Legislative Council (LegCo) Members and the Consuls-General (CGs) as well as Honorary Consuls (HCs) in Hong Kong was held today (May 27) in the LegCo Complex, which provided an opportunity for them to exchange views on the work of LegCo and issues of mutual concern.

     The President of LegCo, Mr Andrew Leung, conducted a briefing for the attending CGs and HCs on the work of LegCo before the luncheon hosted by him.

     The luncheon was attended by Mr Tommy Cheung, Mr Jeffrey Lam, Ms Starry Lee, Dr Priscilla Leung, Mrs Regina Ip, Mr Paul Tse, Mr Charles Mok, Mr Dennis Kwok, Dr Fernando Cheung, Dr Helena Wong, Mr Ip Kin-yuen, Mr Jimmy Ng, Dr Junius Ho, Mr Lam Cheuk-ting, Mr Shiu Ka-fai, Mr Jeremy Tam, Mr Au Nok-hin, Mr Vincent Cheng, Mr Tony Tse and Ms Chan Hoi-yan. Twenty-four CGs or their representatives and eight HCs attended the briefing and luncheon.

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